Doula Services

Doulas have been shown to dramatically impact birth outcomes, including reducing the rate of cesareans by 50%, shortening labor time by 25%, decreasing the use of Pitocin or induction by 40%, and lowering the need for epidurals by 60% in any birthing environment.

My goal is not only to help you avoid these common interventions and alleviate pain but also to ensure that you feel truly informed, empowered, and confident throughout your entire pregnancy. I am committed to helping you enjoy a beautiful labor and delivery experience and prepare for postpartum and newborn success. Remember, you can do hard things, and I will be here every step of the way to support and encourage you!

  • Birth Restored Childbirth Education Class


    Birth Plan Building Consult

  • One Prenatal Visit (if not enrolled in Birth Restored)

    Birth Plan Building Consult

    24 Hour On-Call Assistance from 38 Weeks

    Continuous Active Labor Support

    Golden Hour Support

    One Postpartum Visit

  • Birth Plan Building Consult

    24 Hour On-Call Assistance from 38 Weeks

    Continuous Active Labor Support

    Golden Hour Support

    One Postpartum Visit


    Birth Restored Childbirth Education Class

    (Required for First Time Moms)

(Payment Plans Available)