God is the giver of every good gift in life; He alone is the unchanging, perfect source of everything we need.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. By His own choice, He gave us birth by the word of truth so that we would be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.”

James 1:17-18

Meet Aly

“One of the greatest joys in my life is witnessing parents prepare for and welcome their baby. Seeing couples transform into parents, husbands become fathers, and wives become mothers is an incredible honor that I am blessed to experience often.

There is a profound sense of holiness and sacredness in these moments, and my hope is for every family I work with to also feel this truth deeply. This is my greatest goal in both education and support: to ensure that each family has the opportunity to experience the beauty and significance of their journey."

  • Natalie Shipman, Birth Center Client

    “The support I received through my pregnancy from Aly was amazing. She was always quick to send information and answers to my questions. I got diagnosed with “incarcerated uterus” at the beginning of my second trimester and she did a ton of research for me to figure out how to best help my uterus get into the correct position. It did!! Then I got diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes and she was able to help me tweak my meals to help me keep my blood sugars down so I didn’t have to take any medication or insulin. Again, success!! She also helped train my husband on how to best help me during labor BEFORE I was actually in labor! This was a huge help!! In addition to ALL of that, the best support I got from Aly was during labor. She gave me a comb to squeeze shortly after I arrived at the birthing center. Who knew what a help this would be to me! (She even let me keep the comb!) My husband and she took turns giving me counter pressure for my hips and lower back during contractions. She coached me in different things I could try to progress labor and kept me present. She reminded me of who I was in Christ — a strong daughter who was made for such a time as this. I couldn’t recommend having Aly as your doula enough. She was a blessing and she is so talented at what she does.”

  • Liz Valadez, Hospital Birth Client

    “When it was time to push baby out and do the work our Doula, Aly prayed over the delivery and began playing worship music. The room was filled with the Holy Spirit. There was calm everywhere, and it became an emotional and deep experience. Aly and my husband were the strong rocks I needed in there. I’m so thankful for Aly and the knowledge she brought to me and the work she made me put in. The delivery was easy with everything she recommended.”

  • Sarah Pentoney, Hospital Birth Client

    “I was a first time mother who had a very high risk pregnancy, and a lot of unknowns, like whether I would have a C-section or vaginal birth, would my cervix hold up, how large my son would be, if I could carry full term, on and on. Aly was knowledgeable, kind, always there when I needed her. She helped me get together my birth plan that covered all possibilities, helped me to figure out what I wanted from my birth, how the people important to me could be active participants, and how to make the birthing process easier for me and for everyone. My partner was blown away with how active of a participant he was able to be. I was able to have the unmedicated birth I really wanted, because she helped me with movements, positions and encouragement to reduce the pain and open my body to birth. She made sure I was hydrated and since I could not eat, ensured I was getting energy from what I drank. She gave me and my partner time right after the birth, so we could bond with our son. She took pictures that I cherish, of the last moments of labor. I fall in love with my partner every time I look at those pictures, and see him in the moment with me.

    I am so happy she was a part of the magical experience of birth and was so supportive afterwards. I would highly recommend her if you are considering a doula.”

  • Lindsay Haczynski, Homebirth Client

    “In the midst of feeling my labor slowing down, Aly’s patience and encouraging words spoken to me were so helpful for me to push through! She knew exactly when I needed prayer and scripture being read over me. It was such a blessing to have her at my side.”

  • Monica Lopez, Hospital Birth Client

    “My husband and I are eternally grateful for Aly's support for the births of both of our boys.There was no question or concern that was not thoughtfully addressed with empathy, solid information and citations. She is a wealth of knowledge and a great source of comfort, especially for the nervous family welcoming their first baby (which was us just over 3 years ago). She put me at ease with her kindness and info to back up her support so many times throughout both of my pregnancies and during the birthing process of both babies. She provided the facts that supported whatever decision I made. She always reminded me of how this was my experience and that she was there to provide info and to support my decisions. I felt like she was my advocate. She was great support to my husband as well as he supported me throughout. Even in 2020 when no one was allowed in the hospital but the father, her help had been especially invaluable.

    I would be lost on so many things if we didn't have her! We love Aly and highly recommend her support during pregnancy, the birthing process and postpartum.”

  • James Smith, Hospital Client Husband

    “Aly's confidence and candor helped me feel knowledgeable and prepared during our high risk pregnancy. Aly's knowledge and faith helped keep me grounded at the hospital so I could support my wife and advocate for her wishes. I would highly recommend Aly to any Christian couple, be it their first or their tenth child.”

  • Jennilea Arruda, Hospital Birth Client

    “Not only did I feel informed and ready to be a mama, but I can't explain how empowered she made me feel! She really encouraged me in that I had options and in creating a plan that was the best one for us! She provided ample resources and communication to us about the rights we have to make decisions that we felt were best for the birth experience as well as for our daughter. After I had our daughter, the help didn't stop. She checked in to see how we were doing and really helped in my breastfeeding journey as well. She connected me to local groups to help in person, while also provided information on little changes I could make to help our breastfeeding journey be successful which was so important to me, especially as a working mother. She is passionate, knowledgeable, thoughtful, and available every step of the way. Working with Aly was a TRUE blessing for our family.”

  • Abby Smith, Hospital Birth Client

    “Aly has been so supportive of us from day 1, walking with us through a miscarriage and now another pregnancy and birth! She has pointed me to so many resources as we made decisions and learned more about pregnancy and birth, and then was such a cheerleader and coach for the birth itself. She was calm and reassuring when it felt overwhelming, knew just what to do to help me through contractions, and pointed us to Jesus through the whole process. She is 90% the reason I felt confident to even think about pregnancy, knowing it would be high risk in several ways, and helped it be the most beautiful and redemptive process the whole way through.”

  • Amanda Johnson, Birth center client

    “I mean where to start with Aly?! During pregnancy she was always available to answer my millions of questions, always encouraging and supportive of what I wanted to do. She made sure I made an informed decision and supported what my husband and I wanted to do. I knew I could call on her for all my crazy questions and never felt judged.

    My labor was not at all what I planned due to things out of everyone’s control. But she was again, encouraging and provided me with support during one hell of a labor. She wanted to make sure my husband and I had the info we needed and coached us through the labor for multiple days. When I wanted to give up, she was there with support. After birth, she supported me as I stumbled through breast feeding and all the PP emotions and questions. Aly is always so quick to respond with resources and a calm word. I’m not sure how we would have navigated this first pregnancy and birth without having Aly by our side. It is clear she is passionate not just about what she does, but the people she works with.”

  • Delaney PoliDori, Homebirth client

    “I can honestly not sing Aly’s praises loud enough! Before I was pregnant with my first child, I knew very little about the world of home birthing and all that came with it. I was living in a city with no family and very little support regarding the whole topic of child birth, and really didn’t know who to ask or what resources to turn to. Aly lwas so helpful and responsive to the all of the questions I asked (literally like 100’s), you would have thought she were a neighbor I saw every day. She is so knowledgeable and helpful, it was like having a baby/childbirth encyclopedia on me at all times. Despite how knowledgeable she is on this topic, she is very humble and loving when sharing information. No matter how stupid I thought my question was, she responded with such love, compassion and understanding, and never came across as condescending. I’ve made so many of my pregnancy/birth/parenting decisions based on either the information Aly gave me or the direction she steered me in, and I will never be able to thank her enough for that. I can’t imagine how the health of my children would be had I not had her in my life! Hiring Aly will honestly be one of the best decisions you ever make. She is a true gem.”

  • Dottie Conoly, Hospital birth client

    “I am honored that I had the privilege of having Aly at my birth. I had planned a natural birth, but after laboring for about a day things took a turn. My little girl’s heartbeat was declining with every contraction, and at the moment we were not sure what the problem was. The midwives were telling me I might need a c-section and epidural which I had been so against unless it was really necessary. Making the decision to have an unplanned cesarean really is a scary thing, and she was completely calm and talked me through it, and gave me her opinion on the situation without pushing. I went through with the c-section and she came in the room with me for support. The whole time she was calmly talking to me, encouraging me to breathe and that soon I would get to hold my baby in my arms, all while taking pictures of the whole experience that I will cherish forever. She held my baby next to me while they sewed me up when I couldn’t hold her because I was shaking too much, and she watched her the whole time they were weighing her. She continued to show me support after giving me advice and tips on how to care for my body. She definitely helped me to know what I am capable and made it a truly empowering experience for me. She’s an amazing doula and full of empathy and respect for mamas decision. I would suggest her to anyone.”

  • Mallory Stafford, Birth center client

    “I am so glad that we got Aly as our Doula. She was a great source of experience, recommendations, and resources. She connects well on a personal level, and her love of anything natural gave me the confidence to trust recommendations, especially when it came to in-the-moment decisions. Love her and would definitely recommend!”

  • Allison Barkemeyer Walsh, Hospital Client

    “Not shocked at all that every review is 5-stars, because our experience with Aly was truly the best possible experience we could have ever hoped for! She was with us every single step of the way; from birth classes, all the way to delivery. The amount my husband and I learned throughout the process was incredibly helpful as I began labor in the middle of the night, and then (25 hours later) the delivery of our sweet baby girl. We especially loved how faith-based our relationship with Aly was right off the bat, and found that being grounded in Him throughout the entire process was such a crucial asset when it came time for my natural birth! My husband and I are so incredibly grateful for Aly, and believe we would not have as unbelievably positive of a birth experience as we ended up having if we did not have her there with us.”

  • Jacinda Price, Hospital Client

    “I am so thankful we were able to have Aly as our Doula! This was my second pregnancy and I had a bit of a difficult experience with the first during birth (we had no doula and unfortunately it was right after COVID lockdowns). But with Aly’s knowledge and care we were able to set a plan to help make this experience a million times better! She not only helped to educate myself and my husband on how to help during different stages of pregnancy and labor (and while we were sick), but she was a rock and steady voice when I was in the thick of labor/pushing and felt like giving up. She empowered and enabled me to have the birth experience I wanted so I would absolutely recommend her for any mama wanting the same!”

  • Clint Price, Client Husband

    “We just had our baby girl on the 25th of January. We were working with Aly, this was our second child, but first time with a doula. Aly was very sweet and caring from the beginning and always available to answer all the question we threw her way. She was able to give us a ton of article to help make our decisions on things and movement to do to help my wife along the way. The day our baby girl was coming she made it to the hospital fast and was very calm and helpful. She was able to help my wife a ton in keeping her breathing well and controlling pain. We love Aly and are very happy with her service.”

  • Mary Culver, Hospital Birth Client

    “I highly recommend Aly John as a Doula! We chose to hire a Doula for the birth of our first baby because my husband and I knew we would need someone to help us learn about all the things we didn’t know about birth. You don’t know what you don’t know! Aly was so great with our first, we knew that we wanted her support going into the birth of our second child as well. I was better equipped to advocate for myself and my children thanks to her support leading up to and during labor! One of the things I’ve noticed as a fairly new mom, sharing birth stories with friends and acquaintances, is how much of a difference having a Doula makes on your experience in labor and delivery. So many things that friends of mine just didn’t have any awareness of, but I did, thanks to Aly!”

  • Katherine Lennon, Birth Center Client

    ‘Not all heroes wear capes!! If you are an expectant mama, take it from me that you need a Doula in your life. During my experience with Aly, she repeatedly went above and beyond for me to support me both emotionally and physically. She treated me like a family member, not just a client. I had a particularly long labor, texting with her around 3am during my contractions and she didn’t leave my side until around midnight that night after I had given birth. The entire day she provided counter pressure during my contractions, which had to be physically exhausting for her, and she was my #1 cheerleader and support. I love that during every decision throughout my pregnancy she provided me with unbiased risks and benefits of each medical choice I had to make. She took meticulous notes about my birth plan and tried her very best to make it all come to fruition for me, supporting my vision throughout every step. I felt empowered and autonomous going into my delivery because of her, which is something that every pregnant woman deserves to feel! In addition to that, she provided my partner with lots of emotional support to help him navigate the journey as well so he could transition into fatherhood with confidence.”

  • Gin Price, Hospital Birth Client

    “I have used Aly for both of my pregnancies and births. My first daughter was born in June of 2022 and being a first-time mom I was clueless on just about everything. Aly provided my husband and I with countless, unbiased resources to look into so we could make complete and informed decisions regarding not only our daughters health and well being but mine as well. We also attended her class that is based around childbirth education. The class was informative and helped to ease our minds regarding what to expect for birth. This labor came on very fast and hard and Aly was there every step of the way. I pushed for an extended period but due to some unforeseen complications this birth ended in a C-section. While I was extremely discouraged and disappointed in myself Aly only encouraged me and reassured me that this was not my fault and I would soon meet my daughter that we had prayed for, for so long. Even though this ended in a way that we did not anticipate Aly still was there to support us after. I was only 7 months postpartum when I found I was pregnant with our second daughter. It was not a question on if we would hire Aly again, it was an absolute. In fact, Aly was the second person to find out I was pregnant, my husband being the first of course. Due to the circumstances of my first birth Aly once again encouraged us, provided countless resources, and counseled us through each decision. Our OB at our first appointment started immediately talking about a repeat C-Section, which for me was out of the question, unless it was medically necessary. My husband and I talked to Aly right after this appointment and came up with a game plan. At 20 weeks I was diagnosed with an Incompetent Cervix and had a cervical cerclage placed surgically. To make a very long and scary story short, I had a very complicated pregnancy, lengthy hospital stay and very hard few months. Aly stood by us through it all. I went into labor at 35 weeks and was no longer with my original OB and was instead with the MFMs. Labor began at midnight and Aly was at the hospital to assist us within an hour. I was put on Pitocin to help get things going and was in active labor for about 5 hours. Pitocin contractions were no joke, but I was determined to do this birth with no epidural and only nitrous oxide if I felt necessary. Aly helped me endure through each contraction with countless coping mechanisms but to name a few, squeezing a comb (she provided), sitting on the toilet backwards, bouncing on a ball and my personal favorite counter pressure. I also wanted a completely quiet environment and she provided this, she also encouraged me to fuel my body so my mind could be strong to continue to endure through this labor (even if I refused lol). Once it was go time, we had all the help we needed at my bedside pushing, so Aly took countless videos and photos for my husband and me. My daughter was born at 5:02PM and I was able to successfully VBAC. I can tell you with the utmost certainty that this would not have been possible without Aly. She is an invaluable resource. She is walking in her calling from the Lord, I have no doubt about that. So, if you are considering a Doula, I truly could not recommend Aly more. I say it to everyone I know; I will never have a baby without Aly by my side. Hire her, you won’t be disappointed.”

Doula Services

Doula support is one of the most helpful tools you have available to you. Ask anyone who has opted for a Doula, and they will tell you it made a world of difference in their experience.

BirthED in Truth is excited to announce that it now offers the Christian childbirth education course Birth Restored.